Jack Woodward (National SSAGO)

Sunday 17th of March 2024

Rally Through Time saw SSAGO hold it's Annual General Meeting, with the election of the new elected members of Team Pink, and the national SSAGO events for 2025.

Thank you for your patience throughout this election, while we have dealt with some configuration issues. The election concluded on Thursday 14/03/2024 12:00 midday and this article constitutes the formal announcement of the results of the 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Student Scout and Guide Organisation.


RON means Re-Open Nominations throughout this announcement.


Election of Executive Committee Members for the Year 2024-25


Jack Woodward - 154 (elected)

RON - 8

Abstain - 1

Total votes - 163



RON - 109 (nominations will be reopened)

Abstain - 4

Total votes - 113



Katie Waters - 88 (elected)

William Burrows - 70

RON - 1

Abstain - 3

Total votes - 162


Members Officer:

Anna Matthews - 87 (elected)

David Russell - 32

Caoimhe Witchalls - 31

RON - 1

Abstain - 3

Total votes - 154


Publicity Officer:

Lucy Smith - 147 (elected)

RON - 7

Abstain - 2

Total votes - 156


We hereby declare the following 2024-25 Executive Committee as duly elected:

Jack Woodward - Chair

Ronald Weasley - Secretary

Katie Waters - Treasurer

Anna Matthews - Members Officer

Lucy Smith - Publicity Officer


Election of National SSAGO Events:

Spring Rally 2025:

Team Pink Rally - 79 (elected)

RON - 65

Total votes - 144


Easter Ball 2025:

Goose Ball 2025 - 143 (elected)

RON - 8

Total votes - 151


Summer Rally 2025:

Rally Back to Front - 77 (elected)

Witan in a Weekend? - 50

RON - 22

Total votes - 149


Autumn Rally 2026:

SSAGOES TO SPACE RALLY - 137 (elected)

RON - 15

Total votes - 152


We hereby declare the following events as duly elected:

Team Pink Rally - Spring Rally 2025

Goose Ball 2025 - Easter Ball 2025

Rally Back to Front - Summer Rally 2025

SSAGOES TO SPACE RALLY - Autumn Rally 2026


This concludes the Student Scout and Guide Organisation elections for the 2024 Annual General Meeting. Thank you to all of you who engaged in the election process, in particular those who ran for office and submitted event bids.


The National Student Scout and Guide Organisation Executive Committee intends to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) for the election of a Secretary for the 2024-25 year.